natural ingredients
Insomnix: Your Deep Sleep
Get rid of insomnia, stress and neuroses in a single treatment cycle
Normalises sleep
anxiety and aggression
Helps to fall asleep
chronic fatigue
Improves mood
Protects against
high nervous tension
50% *
*items left at this price: 1
Price: 25980 NGN
Special offer: 12990 NGN
Select the sentences that describe you:
It irritates me when:

To see the results, select answers

You are a very calm person. Your motto is "Don't worry, be happy". You practically never suffer from anxiety. There is a certain paradox here: most likely, your cool composure can drive other people mad.

You belong to the most common group. You are easily irritated by trifles and can get nervous over little things. If you go on like this, you will earn insomnia and chronic fatigue. Take care of your nervous system.

You are quick-tempered and lose balance easily. Everyone annoys you. If there are no sources of concern around you, you start looking for them yourself. This is likely to cause migraines and indigestion. You are not among restrained and patient people. Your nervous system is clearly off-balance, and you are a threat to yourself and others. Think about this.

If you do not solve the problem as soon as possible, you will suffer from:
and professional
Decreased immunity
and frequent colds
diseases, neuroses
and depression
and anxiety
and vasomotor dyscrasia
Insomnix is a natural medicinal product
which normalises sleep and improves mental state
Scientists formulated a next-generation product which helps to normalise sleep, get rid of anxiety, relieve stress and chronic fatigue. Insomnix is an all-natural and non-toxic product. Its main active ingredient is natural extracts of bacopa monnieri, ocimum sanctum and centella asiatica that relieves insomnia and improves the functioning of all body systems.
How does Insomnix combat
insomnia and neuroses?
Bacopa monnieri In clinical practice, it showed its effectiveness as a hypnotic product that increases sleep duration and reduces the number of night awakenings. Stimulates production of happy hormones (serotonin and dopamine).
Ocimum sanctum A natural antioxidant. Cleanses the body and boosts the immunity, gives energy. Alleviates the symptoms caused by changes in weather or going to another climate zone. Neutralizes the effects of stress and has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
Centellia asiatica Relieves sleep disturbance symptoms and has a nootropic effect – stimulates the brain, improves memory, concentration and attention.
Insomnix: clinical trials

In 2015, clinical trials were carried out in Brighton. Volunteers were divided into three groups: participants from Group 1 were given Insomnix, people from Group 2 were given a similar product, and patients from Group 3 (control group) were given a placebo. The study took place over a period of 3 months. Initially, all test subjects suffered from nervous irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Of patients taking Insomnix
reported an improvement of their condition
and normalisation of sleep. They got rid of
headaches and anxiety,
it became easier for them to fall asleep. According to
EEG readings in these patients,
the phase of slow-wave sleep comprises about 75-80%
of the total sleep period, which is within normal range.
Of Group 2 patients noticed
the improvement in the quality of their sleep. Other 97%
couldn't go beyond the rapid eye movement cycle during sleep
and woke up tired. Test subjects from Group 3 didn't see any
Comparison with similar medications



Confused mental state



Pain in the abdomen















*items left
on this limited time offer: 60
50% *
*items left at this price: 60
Price: 25980 NGN
Special offer: 12990 NGN
Expert opinion
Insomnia, nervous tension and stress adversely affect our bodies. They have a negative impact on all areas of our lives, from work to personal relationships. People suffering from these disorders becomes irritable, aggressive, can't focus and often make mistakes. It is therefore critical to get enough sleep, and I recommend my patients to take Insomnix. The medication acts by delicately calming the nervous system and providing restful sleep at night. Thanks to its natural composition, Insomnix is non-addictive and has no side effects.
Dr Dumisa Gbenga, MD, Neurologist
  • I suffered from sleep disorders for more than 12 years. They were probably caused by my severe depression, but I'm not sure. Insomnix helped me with that. After a single treatment course, I sleep like a baby. Try to adhere to a sleep regimen. The important thing is to go to bed and get up at about the same time every day. It was hard at first but later became easier.
  • I suffered from chronic insomnia for more than two years. It was very hard to fall asleep, sometimes I stayed awake all night. I lived in constant sleep deprivation. As soon as I got a little bit nervous–hello, insomnia. I regained normal sleep only thanks to Insomnix. After a course of treatment, I don't need any other medications anymore.
  • I had the same problem: I couldn't sleep at all, and if I did, I would wake up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep because I was too afraid I would lie awake for the rest of the night. It went on like that for 4 months. Insomnix was the only thing that worked for me and helped me sleep well. I have a good sleep every night now! Thank you very much for this medication.
Directions for use
Take 1 capsule daily. These shelled capsules dissolve in the intestines and do not damage your stomach lining!
Every evening
How we work
Kingsley Danjumo
Quality Director makes sure
that the product is original
and packed well
Esther Osagie
Director of Call Center Operations
is responsible for efficient
customer support
Dilip Rastogi
Logistics Director
makes sure that the parcel
is shipped to your address quickly